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If a record exists
A common action when synchronizing data between some source and a database is to check if such-and-such record already exists and needs to be updated or if a new record needs to be created. The SQLAlchemy's one() method [of the query object] provides an easy way to check to see if such-and-such record exists; but it doesn't return either an ORM object or None - if no record is found it raises an exception. This is surprising at first as x=do;if-not-x is possibly the most common of all Python constructs. The corresponding SQLAlchemy construct is just to catch the NoResultFound exception.
from sqlalchemy import and_
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound
db.query( VendorCross ).\
filter( and_( VendorCross.vendor_code == vendor_code,
VendorCross.oem_code = oem_code,
VendorCross.oem_partcode = oem_partcode ).one( )
except NoResultFound:
# no such record exists
# record exists