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SQLAlchemy & Upcoming Birthdays

OpenGroupware Coils uses SQLAlchemy as it's ORM. One of the desired features was a Logic command that efficiently returns contacts with upcoming birthdays. In raw SQL this query would be very simple to write - but how to do it in SQLAlchemy? The answer: sql.expression.extract which will create an expression column equivalent to EXTRACT. With EXTRACT it is possible to compare to the year-of-day represented by a date. The Python code looks like:

XSLT Transform to TXT, with LXML

Maybe this should be obvious, but it wasn't to me. I've got an XML document and an XSLT stylesheet. But that stylesheet just produces text, not XML; it is essentially a template for an e-mail. So I was extending OIE's transformAction for performing XSLT transforms that produce other than XML... but the documentation is a bit thin and every example is XML results. The trick is pretty simple, just


and make sure [of course] that you have

Passing a column set to an SQLalchemy query

In implementing the List method of the EntityAccessManager provided by the Contacts bundle in OpenGroupware Coils it seemed like it would be very efficient to allow the consumer to request what set of attributes it needed; for instance, if a WebDAV client's PROPFIND request didn't ask for a given property, why request the corresponding attribute in the query? Especially since the result set for PROPFIND queries are frequently very large [on the order of 20,000 records or so]. But how to pass a set of attributes as a parameter?


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