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BIE is dead and gone.

Sadly, it appears that the BIE project is now dead and gone. The sourceforge project has been deleted, and so the mailing list is also gone. The BIE GPL site is also gone. So it appears the slate has been swept clean and Open Source has lost a truly one-of-a-kind solution. Shame upon the new owner, or un-owner, of the BIE code for this train wreck.

UPDATE: There is now OIE! The OpenGroupware Integration Engine can run many BIE BPML routes with drag-n-drop compatibility. And Python instead of Java.


End Of BIE's Limbo In Sight

BIE's legal limbo appears to be finally drawing to a close. Mr. Fruetel has posted to the bie-developer list that the BIE product has been sold by Brunswick and that the new owner is interested in seeing the project go forward. I hope to be able to post more good news soon. You can see Mr. Fruetel's message in the rest of this story.


Resetting An Account's BIE Password

BIE users and their passwords are stored in the USERS table of the internal Hypersonic database. If you happen to end up with an account that is locked out of BIE because they forgot their password or tried the wrong time too many times you can reset their status and password by modifying the database. The login is stored in the "USERNAME" field, the passphrase is stored encrypted in the "PASSPHRASE" field, and there is also a "STATUS" field that must be "ACTIVE" for the user to be able to login. So to reset an account's BIE password:


The Hypersonic Client

Within BIE is an internal Hypersonic database that contains configuration, state, and audit information. The actual messages and data used by workflows is stored in an internal eXist database. It is occasionally useful to access the internal Hypersonic database to perform maintenance or correct an error; fortunately BIE contains an embedded GUI Hypersonic client.

Before starting the database client you should shut down BIE. Hypersonic in BIE operates in an in-memory mode and does not support multiple connections. Then to start the client -

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