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Announcing OpenGroupware COILS

I've create a new project on the shiny new SourceForge: OpenGroupware COILS. This is "a re-implementation of the groupware functionality provided by COILS is parallel installable and is entirely compatible with the Objective-C version 5.5 of". COILS is developed in Python for reasons explained on the Wiki. If you'd like to participate in the development of COILS please join the COILS mail list. I also hang out on the OGo IRC channel on FreeNode.

zOGI Now In ZideStore

The main branch of zOGI is now included in Zidestore (as of r1995). So if you use nightly builds the next time you update you should automatically have the zOGI protocol bundle - no installation required. The Google Code repository will now be used as the experimental branch; those wanting a stable zOGI should use the one included in ZideStore. For now the documentation remains on the Google Code Wiki.

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