published by whitemice on Tue, 01/24/2017 - 14:36
Decorators are a powerful as well as arcanely constructed feature of Python. Over at his BLOG Graham Dumpleton has written a series of [8 so far] articles covering Python decorator's in-depth. Lots of information here along with abundant examples.
published by whitemice on Tue, 01/24/2017 - 06:46
There are few things in IT more utterly and completely baffling than the AIX printer subsystem. While powerful it accomplishes its task with more arcane syntax and scattered settings files than anything else I have encountered.
published by whitemice on Tue, 01/24/2017 - 06:31
I have several Windows 2012 VMs in a cloud environment and discovered I am unable to install certain roles / features. Attempting to do so fails with an "The source files could not be found." error. This somewhat misleading messages indicates Windows is looking for the OS install media. Most of the solutions on the Interwebz for working around this error describe how to set the server with an alternate path to the install media ...
published by whitemice on Mon, 12/26/2016 - 11:47
One of the most annoying features of Cisco's IOS is the assuming that anything you type which is not a command is a hostname. So...
Translating "dev"...domain server (
Translating "dev"...domain server (
... and when you are configuring a router which either (a) does not have DNS, (b) is on a network that is down, or (c) is on the workbench and not actually connected to a network - you get to enjoy the long pause of a DNS timeout.
published by whitemice on Mon, 10/03/2016 - 06:43
I purchased a copy of Windows 10 on a USB thumbdrive. I chose to have media to have (a) a backup and (b) not to have to bother with downloading a massive image. Primarily this copy of Windows will be used in VirtualBox for testing, using Power Shell, and other tedious system administrivia. First thing when it arrived is I used dd to make a full image of thumbdrive so I could tuck it away in a safe place.
published by whitemice on Thu, 09/15/2016 - 15:46
Determine the DATE of the first day of the current week.
Informix always treats Sunday as day 0 of the week. The WEEKDAY function returns the number of the day of the week as a value of 0 - 6 so subtracting the weekday from current day (TODAY) returns the DATE value of Sunday of the current week.
published by whitemice on Thu, 08/06/2015 - 07:06
Yesterday I encountered a user who could not cut-and-paste in Microsoft Excel. The options to Cut, Copy, and Paste where disabled - aka 'greyed out' - in the menus. Seems like an odd condition.
published by whitemice on Sun, 05/31/2015 - 12:59
A variety of tools use RRD databases which are ideal for recording a sequence of values over time. So one interesting question is when the last time the rrd file was updated - rrdtool's lastupdate mode will tell you.
$ rrdtool lastupdate probe302Value_probe302Value.rrd
1334603585: 190.0
The most recent value in the RRD is 190.0 recorded at 1334603585
The value of the time is a UTC timestamp. Converting this value to a readable date/time can be performed using the UN*X date command.
published by whitemice on Tue, 05/19/2015 - 07:12
Which application manages this type of file? How can I, by default, open files of type X with application Y? These questions float around in GNOME forums and mailing lists on a regular basis.
The answer is: gvfs-mime .
published by whitemice on Fri, 04/10/2015 - 16:06
It is common knowledge that on CentOS/RHEL hosts you can enable and disable defined reposities with the yum-config-manager. However it is also possible to use yum-config-manager tool to set any repository parameter using the setopt parameter.