Disabling Transparent Huge Pages in CentOS7

The THP (Transparent Huge Pages) feature of modern LINUX kernels is a boon for on-metal servers with a sufficiently advanced MMU. However they can also result in performance degradation and inefficiently memory use when enabled in a virtual machine [depending on the hypervisor and hosting provider]. See, for example "Use of large pages can cause memory to be fully allocated".

Informix Dialect With CASE Derived Polymorphism

I ran into an interesting issue when using SQLAlchemy 0.7.7 with the Informix dialect. In a rather ugly database (which dates back to the late 1980s) there is a table called "xrefr" that contains two types of records: "supersede" and "cross". What those signify doesn't really matter for this issue so I'll skip any further explanation. But the really twisted part is that while a single field distinquishes between these two record types - it does not do so based on a consistent value.

Sequestering E-Mail

When testing applications one of the concerns is always that their actions don't effect the real-world. One aspect of that this is sending e-mail; the last thing you want is the application you are testing to send a paid-in-full customer a flurry of e-mails that he owes you a zillion dollars. A simple, and reliable, method to avoid this is to adjust the Postfix server on the host used for testing to bury all mail in a shared folder. This way:

LDAP extensibleMatch

One of the beauties of LDAP is how simply it lets the user or application perform searching. The various attribute types hint how to intelligently perform searches such as case sensitivity with strings, whether dashes should be treated as relevant characters in the case of phone numbers, etc... However, there are circumstances when you need to override this intelligence and make your search more or less strict. For example: in the case of case sensitivity of a string. That is the purpose of the extensibleMatch.

Look at this bit of schema:

Android, SD cards, and exfat

I needed to prepare some SD cards for deployment to Android phones. After formatting the first SD card in a phone I moved it to my laptop and was met with the "Error mounting... unknown filesystem type exfat" error. That was somewhat startling as GVFS gracefully handles almost anything you throw at it. Following this I dropped down to the CLI to inspect how the SD card was formatted.


After downloading a Virtualbox ready ISO of OpenVAS the newly created virtual machine to host the instance failed to start with an VERR_PDM_DEVHLPR3_VERSION_MISMATCH error. The quick-and-dirty solution was to set the instance to use USB 1.1. This setting is changed under Machine -> Settings -> USB -> Select USB 1.1 OHCI Controller.. After that change the instance now boots and runs the installer.

AWESOME: from-to Change Log viewer for PostgreSQL

Upgrading a database is always a tedious process - a responsible administrator will have to read through the Changelog for every subsequent version from the version ze is upgrading from to the one ze is upgrading to.

Then I found this! This is a Changelog viewer which allows you to select a from and a to version and shows you all the changelogs in between; on one page. You still have to read it, of course, but this is a great time saver.

Discovering Informix Version Via SQL

It is possible using the dbinfo function to retrieve the engine's version information via an SQL command:

select dbinfo('version','full') from sysmaster:sysdual

which will return a value like:

IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC6WE

Failure to apply LDAP pages results control.

On a particular instance of OpenGroupware Coils the switch from an OpenLDAP server to an Active Directory service - which should be nearly seamless - resulted in "Failure to apply LDAP pages results control.". Interesting, as Active Directory certainly supports paged results - the 1.2.840.113556.1.4.319 control.

But there is a caveat! Of course.

opensuse 42.3

Finally got around to updating my work-a-day laptop to openSUSE 42.3. As usual I did an in-place distribution update via zypper. This involves replacing the previous version repositories with the current version repositories - and then performing a dup. And as usual the process was quick and flawless. After a reboot everything just-works and I go back to doing useful things.


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