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Android, SD cards, and exfat

I needed to prepare some SD cards for deployment to Android phones. After formatting the first SD card in a phone I moved it to my laptop and was met with the "Error mounting... unknown filesystem type exfat" error. That was somewhat startling as GVFS gracefully handles almost anything you throw at it. Following this I dropped down to the CLI to inspect how the SD card was formatted.

Renaming the Volume Group Containing /

Almost every server I work with is a virtual machine; accordingly I like to do one small install with all the packages that I always want [like pam-nss-ldapd, snmp-utils, dstat, etc...] but don't install by default. Then I make sure VMware tools is installed and operational. From that point forward I can just clone that one VM and add to it when I want a new instance of something.

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